La Fiesta Birthday Promo 2020

  • Sep 22, 2020 - Explore Ana Laura's board 'Fiesta Birthday' on Pinterest. See more ideas about fiesta birthday, mexican party theme, fiesta theme party.
  • Birthday celebrant can avail the La Fiesta Birthday Promo for 1 whole month as long as it is within the month of his/her Birthday. Birthday celebrant may eat for (1) free buffet at La Fiesta Largest Filipino Buffet. To avail the La Fiesta Birthday Promo, the celebrant MUST be accompanied by a minimum of 3 full paying adult rate.
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Birthdays are meant to be celebrated!
1) Birthday celebrants can avail the birthday promo for Dine In.

  • Celebrants can eat for free ON THE DAY of their birthday on both lunch and dinner, as long as accompanied by ONE FULL PAYING ADULT.

  • Celebrants can eat for free for ONE MONTH on both lunch and dinner per day, as long as it is within the month of his/her birthday and accompanied by FOUR FULL PAYING ADULTS.

Promo is not valid with any other existing La Fiesta Buffet promos and discounts. La Fiesta Largest Filipino Buffet is located at SM MOA By the Bay Leisure Park at SM MOA Complex. For more info, please call them at (+632) 556-1111 / (+632) 556-1222 / (+632) 556-1333. La Fiesta began in the Texas Sesquicentennial year of 1986 with the original purpose of preserving and moving the oldest house in Highland Park. Originally known as the Save the House Committee and functioning under the Dallas Historical Preservation League, the La Fiesta Committee has now evolved into a community wide organization which annually coordinates the La Fiesta de las Seis Banderas.

2) One full paying adult are adult guests who will be paying full rate without any discounts.

3.) Requirements for Celebrants: Celebrant must bring an ORIGINAL and VALID government issued picture I.D. with the birthdate imprinted on it, both local and foreign I.D.s are accepted, for proof (such as S.S.S., N.B.I., Driver’s License, Pag-Ibig, P.R.C., Barangay, Unified, Police Clearance I.D. and Passport) In the case that the celebrant doesn’t have a government issued picture I.D., he/she may bring his/her birth certificate supported by any picture I.D. (school I.D., parent’s I.D., company I.D.).

4.) This promo can’t be used in conjunction with our current promotions or discounts.

5.) Special Gift Certificates, E-GCs, and other third-party partner payment options cannot be used for this promo. Only the following will be accepted as payment for the promo:

i. Vikings Cash Voucher (Php500 / Php100)
ii. Regular Gift Certificate (Lunch, Dinner, Weekend)
iii. Paymaya, G-Cash, Ali-pay & WeChat Pay (QR or Card) **depending on branch availability**

6.) This promo is available until December 31, 2021.

20+2 Promo

1) Reservations with 22 full paying adult and above are entitled to a special promo (20+2 Promo):

2) For every 10 additional full paying adult, 1 other guest may eat for free.

3) This promo may not be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts (including senior citizen discounts)

4) Special Gift Certificates, E-GCs, and other third-party partner payment options cannot be used for this promo. Only the following will be accepted as payment for the promo:

i. Vikings Cash Voucher (Php500 / Php100)
ii. Regular Gift Certificate (Lunch, Dinner, Weekend
iii. Paymaya, G-Cash, Ali-pay & WeChat Pay (QR or Card)

5) This promo is only available daily, including holidays at Vikings MOA, Megamall, and North EDSA.


10+2 Promo

1) Reservations with 12 full paying adults and above are entitled to a special deal (10+2 Promo):

2) For every 10 additional full paying adults, 2 other guests may eat for free.

3) This promo may not be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts (including senior citizen discounts)

4) Special Gift Certificates, E-GCs, and other third-party partner payment options cannot be used for this promo. Only the following will be accepted as payment for the promo:

i. Vikings Cash Voucher (Php500 / Php100)
ii. Regular Gift Certificate (Lunch, Dinner, Weekend
iii. Paymaya, G-Cash, Ali-pay & WeChat Pay (QR or Card) **depending on branch availability**

La Fiesta Birthday Promo 2020 2021

5) This promo is only available daily, including holidays at Vikings Marikina, Lanang, Jazz, BF, Bacolod, Pampanga, Iloilo and Cebu.

1) Birthday celebrant can avail the birthday promo for the whole month of his/her birthday. Just get the Party package good for 5 and you will only pay for the price of 4, the celebrant will be FREE.
2.) Requirements for Celebrants: Celebrant must present an ORIGINAL and VALID government issued picture I.D. with the birthdate imprinted on it, both local and foreign I.D.s are accepted, for proof (such as S.S.S., N.B.I., Driver’s License, Pag-Ibig, P.R.C., Barangay, Unified, Police Clearance I.D. and Passpor) In the case the celebrant doesn’t have a government issued picture I.D., he/she may bring his/her birth certificate supported by any picture I.D. (school I.D., parent’s I.D., company I.D.).
3.) This promo cannot be used in conjunction with or current promotions or discounts.
4.) E-GCs, and other third-party partner payment options cannot be used for this promo. Only the following will be accepted as payment for the promo: Cash, Paymaya, G-Cash, Ali-pay & WeChat Pay (QR)**depending on branch availability**
5.) This promo will start on April 26, 2020 until December 31, 2021.
6.) To order please message the branch near you on their Facebook page.

7.) Senior Citizens and PWDs may either avail of this promotion or the standard discount from the regular rate under Republic Act. No. 7432 and 7277, both as amended under RA 9994, whichever is higher.


  1. All Citibank credit card holders, both local and international may avail of the promo.

  2. Downpayment of 50% from the total bill is required to be settled 5 days after the pencil booking for reservations and availment within the promo period for big groups consisting a minimum of 11 diners and up. All full paying adults can avail the discount.

  3. Credit card used for settling downpayment and balance of payment on the day of the event for big groups may be different cards but discounts will only be applicable to citibank credit card settlement as stated above.

  4. Gift Certificates, and other third-party partner payment options (Paymaya, GCash, Ali-pay & WeChat Pay) are not applicable in this promo.

  5. To avail of the Promo, the Cardholder must use his/her valid Card to pay for his/her single transaction bill (inclusive of VAT, service charges, and prevailing local taxes) depending on the branch dining in. Discount will only apply to total bill exclusive of VAT, service charges, and prevailing local taxes unless otherwise specified by the merchant

  6. This promo cannot be used in conjunction with other in-house promotions or discounts.

  7. In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail of the promotional discount or the discount provided under the Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010, whichever is higher. Person with disability (PWD) can also avail this promo, whichever is higher between the discounts provided under Republic Act. No 9442.

  8. Promo period is from November 1, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021.

  9. Block out dates is from Dec. 15 - 26 and February 14.

It’s indeed a HAPPY NEW YEAR because we got an awesome treat waiting for you!

Enjoy our 2+1 WEEKDAY LUNCH PROMO starting January until February 1, 2021!

Call us now at 8-VIKINGS (8845-4647) or visit to reserve!☎️📞 #EatLikeAViking

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La Fiesta Birthday Promo 2020 June

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During a recent visit to La Fiesta, a Mexican mainstay at 2340 Champa Street, Robert Herrera, son of founder Michael Herrera, pulled me aside.

'I have to talk to you about something,' he said.

I panicked. During the pandemic, La Fiesta — with a wide-open dining room where it's easy to social-distance and sense-searing green chile that could kill any virus — has been my home away from home, at least during weekday lunches, the only time the restaurant is open (except for a Friday afternoon happy hour). Michael Herrera had passed away at the start of the year, though, and La Fiesta, which transformed an old Safeway into a nightclub 55 years ago, occupies a very prime piece of property in Curtis Park, complete with parking.

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Had the family members who've been running La Fiesta for decades decided to sell? Could this be the end?

Turns out it's only the beginning. Having gotten buy-in from his staff (relatives and non-relatives alike), Robert is now opening La Fiesta on Saturdays, too, from 4 to 9 p.m. The new hours debut on August 29.

'As you know,' Robert says, 'the COVID-19 virus has been hard on almost every business, especially restaurants. My family wants to continue my father's legacy more than anything, and this is probably the best way to do so. ... Customers have asked us for years when we are going to open weekends, so we feel it would be right to do so.'

Right, and a welcome comeback for a Denver institution. Michael Herrera, a native Coloradan born on February 10, 1924, was an amateur boxing champion in the Air Force, then attended the University of Denver, graduating with bachelor’s, master’s and law degrees. But his external activities were what brought him fame, fortune...and lots of fans of Mexican food. He was a broadcaster for Colorado’s first Spanish-language radio station, KFSC-AM, and started the El Papa Gallo Night Club and other businesses in the neighborhood, along with La Fiesta.

When La Fiesta opened in 1964, it was a nightclub as well as a restaurant, filled with folks who wanted to dine, drink and dance, as evidenced by the DJ booth and acoustic-tile drop ceiling that remain today. Maybe with any luck, that DJ booth will see some action one Saturday soon.

If not, the food alone is noteworthy, and everyone from cops to Colorado Supreme Court justices are lunchtime regulars. La Fiesta was one of the first joints in town, maybe the first joint, to serve a relleno fried in a giant wonton wrapper, a style that Mexican food expert Gustavo Arellano, author of Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America, swears is native to Denver. “I’ve had chiles rellenos stuffed with cream cheese in Arizona copper country, with ground meat in Oaxacan dives, with quinoa in hippie places,” he told us after we introduced the Orange County native (and creator of “Ask a Mexican”) to Mexican food Denver style. “But in my travels across the U.S., the only place I’ve ever found them wrapped in wonton paper is in Denver. Next to the Mexican hamburger, Den-Mex at its finest!”

Of course, La Fiesta serves a Mexican hamburger, too, though that dish was invented at another Mexican joint, Joe’s Buffet on Santa Fe. Joe’s is long gone, but La Fiesta remains on that list of rare Mexican restaurants that have made it past fifty. (Among the others: La Popular, Mexico City Restaurant & Lounge, Chubby’s, Rosita’s, Pete’s Satire Restaurant & Lounge, Taco House, Blue Bonnet Mexican Cafe, Lucero’s and Brewery Bar II.)

Both the Mexican hamburger and the rellenos will be available on Saturdays, as well as all the other longtime La Fiesta favorites. 'We are not offering any specials, as we feel that we want to ease gradually into Saturday dinner and build it up gradually,' Robert says. 'It has been a challenge to staff for the one day, but we will be ready.'

As will we.

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